
Loans & Advances

Term Loan

  1. Salary Loan
  2. Personal Loan
  3. Building Loan (Commercial cum dwaling)
  4. Vehicle Loan (4 Wheeler, 2 Wheeler)

Secured Cash Credit

  1. Mortgage Loan
  2. Small Scale industries Loan
  3. Hypothecation of Stock

Gold Loan

  1. The best ever loans are available.

Interest Rate on Loans

Sl. No Loan details Interest Rate Rebat Interest Re-payment of loan within due date Interest
  • Construction of Building, Purchase of 4 Wheeler Vehicles (Own Use),Purchase of Residential House.
12% -3 9%
  • Jewellery Loans
8% 8%
  • Salary Loans
14% -3 11%
  • Secured Cash Credit (Mortgaged, Small Industries, Hypothecation Loans) SSI Installment Loans.
13% -3 10%
  • Two Wheelers,Purchase of Old Vehicles,Construction of Commercial Building, Purchase of Property/Site,Commercial Vehicles, Agricultural,Repairs & Renovation of Building.
15% -3 12%
  • Un-Secured Loans,Cash Credit,Personal Loans,Domestic Purpose Loans.
16% -3 13%

Note: There are no hidden charges for processing of loans.